



Daily Sermon ILLustration-Can’t Get Rid of the Holes

Can’t Get Rid of the Holes Someone tells the story of a boy who was rebelling against his dad constantly. This boy was destroying his own life by his rebellion, but he refuse to heed his father’s words. One day, the dad said to the boy, "I want to show you what you’re doing to your life. I’m going to put a wooden post in our front yard. Every time you rebel, I will put a nail in this post. Every time you obey, I will pull out one nail." The first thought from the boy was, "I’m going to do everything I can to fill that post with nails." And he did. In two months’ time, he filled that post with nails. But he also began to feel the damage he was doing to his own life and to his parents’ lives. With true remorse, the boy began to obey his father. One by one, the nails came out. When the last nail came out of the post, the boy both broke down in tears. The dad asked, "Son, why are you crying?" And the boy replied, "I got rid of the nails, but I can’t get rid of the holes." God the Father saw the nails and the posts of our lives, and He saw our helplessness against sin. So He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to gather the nails and the posts from those who would let Him. And because of His love for us, Christ allowed Himself to be nailed on the posts, where He willingly paid the consequence of our sin. Romans 6:23 tells us, "For the [consequences] of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." And this gift comes with God’s Spirit to train us to live holy lives. =(Church Iglesia) Added a new video to Church4u2TV "The Father's Song"

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Verso del Día - Salmo 103:1-3

Bendice, alma mía, al Señor, y bendiga todo mi ser su santo nombre. Bendice, alma mía, al Señor, y no olvides ninguno de sus beneficios. — Salmo 103:1-3

Pensamientos sobre el Verso de Hoy

La alabanza no debe salir solo de nuestros labios, debe tener su fuente en lo más profundo de nuestras almas, reconociendo lo que Dios nos ha dado. Aunque Dios es digno de alabanza por su santidad y majestad, tenemos aún más razón en glorificarle. Ha sido más que bondadoso con nosotros.

Mi oración

Padre Santo, te alabo por el don de tu creación. Te alabo por darnos libertad para aceptarte o rechazarte. Te alabo por elegir a Abraham como el principio del pueblo de Dios. Te alabo por mandar a Jesús. Te alabo por proveer el sacrificio por mis pecados. Te alabo por levantarlo de la muerte y así dando victoria sobre el pecado. Te alabo por los que compartieron el evangelio conmigo. Te alabo por lo que haces en mí y por mí. Te alabo por lo que harás en el futuro que todavía es un misterio. Te alabo porque eres el Dios Todopoderoso que has elegido ser mi Padre. En el nombre de Jesucristo, mi Señor, te alabo, Amén.

Los pensamientos y la Oración del Verso de Hoy son escritos por Phil Ware. Puede enviar sus preguntas o comentarios a

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→ Theo Xiinh.Net: "Verso del Día - Salmo 103:1-3"

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